Before and afters, but make it periods
Read In The Flo for TMZ-worthy before-and-after stories and all things hormonal health.
Victoria's Journey From Painful Periods To Conceiving A Miracle Baby
Victoria's story of debilitating endometriosis periods that made her vomit for hours, to ditching birth control and conceiving a miracle baby with the help of My Happy Flo
Christini's Journey From Divorcing Her Pain To Loving Her Period
From discomfort to ending the cycle of painful cycles, Christini shares how her world has stopped feeling like it was ending and is on its way to a beautiful new...
Marie's Journey From Fibroids And Blood Transfusions To A Happier Flo
Marie McQuitta had tried it all. The patch. Multiple brands of birth control pills. An IUD. The NuvaRing.